White Lisbon
This variety is slightly pungent and white in color. It has tops that are a dark green in color, which hold well after harvest. White Lisbon is a widely grown bunching variety.
White Ringmaster
This variety is very mild, crisp, and brilliantly white in color. It has tops that are a nice rich green in color. Disease Tolerance Pink Root Disease. White Ringmaster is an improved strain of the long day variety, White Sweet Spanish Utah.
Tokyo Long White Bunching
65-95 days. Looks like a long slim leek, non bulbing, white skinned sweet mild stalks, can grow to 75 cm, upright stiff blue green top, not hardy. This variety is slightly pungent and white in color. It has single stems with a long white shank. Disease tolerance: Pink Root, Smut, Thrips. It is highly tolerant.
65-120 days, standard processing type, medium size high globe, very firm pungent flesh, long day for the north used for bunching or fall onions, good market variety if harvested promptly and dried in shade to preserve whiteness, may be best white keeper.
Evergreen Bunching
60-120 days. Clusters of 4-9 long slender silvery shanks, non bulbing, green bunching or scallions, hardy, slow bolt, winters well, Pink Root and thrips and smut resistant, leek like stalks divide continuously, white skin so no stripping for market, plant spring or fall. Disease tolerance: Pink Root, Smut, Botrytis leaf blight and Thrips.
ONION-BUNCHING (Allium fistulosum)
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