"Feeding the World starts with Griffin Seed"  


120 days, medium large flat thick onion, light yellow brown skin, long day, productive in sandy soils, poor in deep muck, used to produce yellow onion sets which keep without splitting or sprouting prematurely during warm spring weather, sow in July for sets.

White Sweet Spanish Utah

110-130 days. Late, large, globe, soft to fairly firm flesh, mild flavor, bright green foliage, trips tolerant, heavy yields, med-short storage. This onion ships very well.

Yellow Sweet Spanish Utah

128 days, deep globe, up to 15 cm diameter, small neck, shiny straw brown skin, white med-firm flesh, good mild flavor, light green foliage, long day, heavy yielder, fair keeper. Disease tolerance: medium resistance to pink root and thrips. This onion stores for medium to short periods. This is a standard Yellow Sweet Spanish onion.

Griffin Seed International, LLC3815 SW Culver HwyMadrasOR 97741, USA | +1 (541) 546 2801

ONION - LONG DAY (Allium cepa)