"Feeding the World starts with Griffin Seed"  

Wisconsin SMR 58

53-64 days, middle season medium green straight blocky and slightly tapered, 16.5 by 6 cm, blockier than Wisconsin SMR 18, CMV, scab, and spot rot resistant, black spines, uniform size and shape, everbearing if kept picked, very vigorous, heavy yields, long harvest, high quality.

Poinsett 76

63-75 days, improved Poinsett, adds scab resistant and darker green fruit color, longer blocky straight fruits, 19-22 by 6.5-7 cm, EM, PM, AN1, AN2, ALS, and scab resistant.

Marketmore 76

58-75 days, 20-23 by 5.5-6 cm, dark green even in hot weather, sweet mild flavor, resistant to scab, CMV, PM, DM, ALS, and AN, tapers at both ends, blocky, white spines, no stippling, for home gardens or market in cool climate areas.

Griffin Seed International, LLC3815 SW Culver HwyMadrasOR 97741, USA | +1 (541) 546 2801

CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus)